Vulnerability: a conceptual proposal for the analysis of social policies in Peru.



This article seeks to provide a definition of the concept of vulnerability in order to contribute to the analysis of social policies in Peru. The methodology applied to define the concept of vulnerability, consists in the content analysis of the fundamental texts of four authors, who are part of the liberal tradition of political thought and the theory of justice: Aristotle, John Rawls, Adam Smith and more contemporaneously, David Bilchitz.. Likewise, it proposes a set of multidimensional factors that structurally and interdependently, define the vulnerability of individuals, who as citizens, participate within a society of democratic public culture. This conceptual proposal seeks to rethink the relations of social inequity from two perspectives: (i) an institutional perspective focused on the human satisfiers necessary and sufficient to guarantee the minimum threshold of a dignified life and (ii) a participatory perspective focused on the set of concrete possibilities that individuals possess to realize their social rights. This participatory perspective raises two requirements to make social rights effective: (i) the existence of a basic structure of functional democratic institutions, and (ii) the capacity from individuals to establish community cooperation actions.


Vulnerability, social policies, relations of socially disadvantaged, inequity, justice