UN military authorized intervention in Libia: a precedent of the responsibility to protect?


  • María Cecilia Añaños Meza


The Libyan conflict that broke out in February 2011 originated a far-reaching and severe intervention with the participation of the United Nations, which imposed sanctions and authorized the use of force against the Libyan government invoking the «responsibility to protect». The following paper examines, from the perspective of public international law, the sanctions mechanism applied by United Nations, its characteristics, the concept of the «responsibility to protect» and its role in the sanctions regime of the Security Council, and the question of the regime's consistency with the UN Charter and public international law.


Libyan conflict, collective security, sanctions, Security Council, responsibility to protect, Chaper VII of the Unitged Nations Charter

Author Biography

María Cecilia Añaños Meza

 LL:M en derecho o internacional público y derecho público, Kiel. Doctora en derechos fundamentales, Madrid, España.