¿Nueva guerra energética? : el escenario de Asia Central


  • Olga Ulianova


With the departure of Soviet troops from Afghanistan and the end of the Cold War, Central Asia ceased to be an attraction for international analysts. However, in the 1990s important processes have been maturing in this remote continental area of Eurasia: the emergence of new independent states instead of the former Soviet republics, each with its own particularities and motivations for international action. This has changed the Central Asian balance of forces. The infighting in Afghanistan after the withdrawal from the Soviet Union has taken on a new character. The enormous still unexploited resources of oil and natural gas that the region possesses increase its importance for the world politics and economy of the 21st century, starting from now on the fight for energy sources and export channels. The oil variable is configured as the main axis of the Central Asian conflict.


Central Asia, Oil, Natural Gas, Energy Wars, Afghanistan

Author Biography

Olga Ulianova

Doctor en historia en la Universidad de Lomonosov de Moscú en 1989; hasta 1992, se desempeñó como colaboradora científica de uno de los institutos de la Academia de Ciencias de la Unión Soviética/Rusia; desde esa fecha reside en Chile y es investigadora del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en la Universidad de Santiago; ha realizado consultorías para organismos internacionales y es docente en universidades chilenas; es autora de Rusia: raices históricas y dinámica de las reformas, (Santiago: 1994), además de numerosos artículos en revistas especializadas.