
Articles received by April 30 can be published in the first semester, and those received by September 15 can be published in the corresponding second-semester issue.

A criminal law analysis of collusion as a single continuous infringement. Conspiracy, continouous offense, or unity of action?


  • Ignacio Peralta Fierro Universidad de Chile


This article seeks to find within criminal law doctrine a figure that accomplishes the same objectives that the figure of a single continuous agreement accomplishes in administrative law. In this line, the article analyses which figures are able to unify for sanctioning purposes different actions realized in the execution of one collusive scheme. To do this the article analyzes the figures of illicit association, continuous commission of a felony, and the identification of a homogenous crime unit. Having discarded the first two options, the article details how the identification of a homogenous crime unit would proceed in cases of collusion.


collusion, continuous commission of a felony, illicit association, homogenous crime unit, single continuous infringement