
  • Tomás Saavedra Rojas Universidad de Chile
  • Avelina Cisternas Aguirre CESFAM Lo Valledor Norte.
  • Macarena Moral López Universidad de Chile
  • María González Méndez Universidad de Chile


Foreign bodies are a frequent reason for consultation in emergency centers and in certain cases, they are removed via minor surgery. Sometimes, imaging technologies are required to define their exact location. This paper presents the case of a 37-year-old female patient with a needle retained in her right foot for 2 months. Using ultrasound in the minor surgery ward allowed the foreign body to be located and extracted, which resolved the symptoms, avoided secondary referral, and prevented potential complications due to the retained foreign body. The aim of this work is to report on a case of complex foreign body extraction in minor surgery at the first level of care, highlighting how the use of ultrasound facilitates the resolution of the case.

Keywords: Minor Surgical Procedures, Foreign Bodies, Primary Health Care, Ultrasonography, Family Practice.


procedimientos quirúrgicos menores, cuerpos extraños, atención primaria de salud, ultrasonografía, medicina familiar y comunitaria


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