Intermediary liability for copyright infringment in Chile, Paraguay and Costa Rica: An analysis based on the right to freedom of speech


  • Rodrigo Vargas Acosta ONG Derechos Digitales


Since the entry into force of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) in 1998, the introduction of systems of conditional liability has been a usual answer to the question about the determination of liability of the internet intermediaries for the illicit activities done by the users of its services. However, those systems may put in danger other relevant interests, like the right to freedom of expression. This investigation analyses the systems of conditional liability for copyright infringement established in Chile, Paraguay and Costa Rica through a human rights approach, in order to check if these reach a balance between the interests of intermediaries, right holders and users.


Internet Service Providers, intermediaries, freedom of expression, copyright, intermediary liability, notice and takedown

Author Biography

Rodrigo Vargas Acosta, ONG Derechos Digitales

Egresado de Derecho, Universidad de Chile.


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